OK, so I was on my PC today, doing some random whatever and come across this page and it really pissed me off.
First, they put Little Sh*t Planet 2 in their Top 10 list. I don’t mind this, cos’ I see many other websites have good review about this game. Me personally, I have it for free as PS Plus subscriber and I’m not even thinking of downloading it. I think that I wouldn’t download this game even if they pay me
But that’s just me, I f***ing hate this kind of games. I have small review somewhere here about LBP2, cos’ I saw the game on YouTube and I must say that it’s made for Lego type fanatics.
What REALLY pissed me off, was the dumbest F***ing game, FAT PRINCESS, in their Top 10 list. I think I played this game for 1 or 2 minutes before I deleted it. DO NOT waste your money or time on this stupid game. I wouldn’t put this game in a toilet, just because I don’t want to waste water on it. How can somebody put it in their Top 10 list????